Compensation and reconciliation
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Compensation and reconciliation


How can someone compensate for their crime? How is that different from being punished? What are the elements of genuinely useful justice?


How can someone compensate for their crime? How is that different from being punished? What are the elements of genuinely useful justice?

The relationship between compensation and reconciliation is central in providing a workable system of restorative justice. It’s not straightforward, in Rwanda or anywhere else. But it’s useful for students to grapple with the ideas… what’s involved? How should it be managed? How can extreme crimes ever be compensated for?
We hope this lesson will also open the way for discussion about how apology, compensation and reconciliation might work in our own communities – even schools.

To gain knowledge and some understanding into the complex relationship between compensation and reconciliation in Rwanda.
To explore the connection between apology and compensation.
To build on students’ knowledge of gacaca: its complexities and challenges.

There are two PDFs included with this lesson:-
A three-page lesson plan covering the key questions, aims, resources needed and a detailed outline of the suggested method and activities.
A set of presentation slides for class discussion.