Dangerous ideas
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Dangerous ideas


How can ideas actually be dangerous? What dangerous ideas were present in Rwandan society before the genocide?


How can ideas actually be dangerous? What dangerous ideas were present in Rwandan society before the genocide?
The intention behind this whole curriculum is for students to understand that ideas are significant social drivers. In this lesson they look at ideas which were evident in Rwandan society before the genocide, through close engagement with key quotes.
It is a fairly abstract lesson and students may need some help with brainstorming. They may need help in trusting their own association of ideas and evidence of your belief in their ability to grasp abstract ideas. It is important that they are empowered to share their opinions about what these ideas mean; the principal of ‘there are no wrong answers’ is vital here.

For students to identify and recognise ideas within a society that pose a threat to its peace and sustainability.
To analyse these ideas and compare their relative impact on a society.
To gain knowledge and understanding of seven of the key ideas which were influential in causing the Rwandan genocide.

There are three PDFs included with this lesson:-
A two-page lesson plan covering the key questions, aims, resources needed and a detailed outline of the suggested method and activities.
A set of handouts ready for printing.
A set of presentation slides for class discussion.