The rule of law
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The rule of law


How does the law help maintain a stable society? What effect does corruption have on a society? What do we know about corruption in our own history?


How does the law help maintain a stable society? What effect does corruption have on a society? What do we know about corruption in our own history?

The danger in this lesson is that ignorance leads students to see Rwanda – or Africa generally – as being inherently corrupt. It’s important they are reminded that corruption has also been part of “western” history. Films such as Braveheart and references to the ruling classes in the Middle Ages are useful.
Corruption rates in Rwanda today are about 5%, compared to 20-30% in surrounding countries. Corruption is the direct result of systems, laws and particular actions within any society. The aim is that students understand and value the function of the rule of law and the systems that keep societies accountable.

For students to identify the connection between a lack of law and order and an unstable society in which genocide could become possible.
To discuss the importance of the rule of law as a preventative for violence and extremism in any society.

There are three PDFs included with this lesson:-
A two-page lesson plan covering the key questions, aims, resources needed and a detailed outline of the suggested method and activities.
A set of handouts ready for printing.
A set of presentation slides for class discussion.